
1. Player UID: 72817
2. Player name: [RedWolves™] Paw
3. Time and date of incident: 25 of December 2020
4. Description of incident: Following me on noclip multiple times and making weird noises to annoy me.
5. Proof (preferably screenshots/video): 25-12-2020 - 23:16 UTC - YouTube also… why is this garbage still playing on i99? The whole clan should be wiped from this server long time ago

  1. Player UID : 435211
  2. Player name : Hikaru Miyazoko
  3. 13th of May 2021, 12am-2am
  4. Reason : Constant harrassment as I complete the chat minigame for money.
  5. Proof (preferably screenshots/video) : Dropbox - 20210513_023930.jpg - Simplify your life