Group System & PVP System & Ranking

To form the groups it can be done in this way:
/ Gcreate < Name of group >

  1. / Gjoin (player id) to invite him to train the group

  2. / Gleave to leave the group

  3. / Gkick (player id) to expel the player from the group

This is one of the best Freeroam`s PVP Systems

  1. Individual PVP score like /duel (id other player ) < zone> < weapons> < numberduels>
    If u win game, u will win ( x number of points in ranking )

  2. Group PVP score like /Gwar (id other group) < zone> < weapons> < numberduels>
    If u win game, u will win ( x number of points in ranking )

  3. Game zones like this Game of Zones

To see our ranking u can use:

/Stats → to see your individual score or others with /stats (id other player)
/Gstats → To see your group score or others groups with /Gstats (id other group)

This could be gud mate