So you’re fresh out of high school, and saved up all of your summer money to buy your first car, unfortunately now you need a job to pay rent and other necessities. so you post up wanted adds for a delivery boy, and finally land a job.
You are given a car, (nothing too fast, preferably a sub-compact, something a new driver would own, a clunker) once you activate the game mode at whichever store you arrive at
Once activated, much like trucking, you can select from a variety of different delievery points, be it other grocery stores, houses, businesses and so on.
Much like the meth game mode, you are to load up on multiple pieces of inventory, in which you must deliver, just to keep things a little less mundane than having to go back to HQ after every single delivery.
Time and Damage based: A time limit might be hard to figure out and code in, but I’m not too sure though, but I’d like to see it, as well as damage being factored in to your overall payout.
Intensives/Ranks: After completing a set amount of deliveries, you have the opportunity to upgrade your pick up point to a nicer part of town, which will include nicer houses, which equals better pay - only if you can maintain your vehicle’s damage and deliver on a timely manner. With upgrading the pick up point, you also have the option to upgrade your car. Something that’s still pretty mundane, but much more durable and quicker.
While the trucking missions are great, I’d definitely like to see something more fast paced. The payout should be roughly equivalent of trucking. The pay will overall be lower, but deliveries would take much less time than long hauls with trucks.